Over 3.27 million tonnes of food in the UAE is wasted annually? That's enough to feed over 7 million people! But it's not just about the numbers. Food waste also impacts our environment through greenhouse gas emissions.
Amazing! Wasting food means wasting the resources that went into producing it, such as water, energy, and labor. This puts unnecessary pressure on our natural resources and contributes to environmental degradation.
Great! Responsible consumption is essential for the environment and our health: larger portions can consume more calories than necessary, resulting in health problems.
Fantastic! Your choice reduces the impact of toxic pollutants on the environment and conserves the usage of fuels that harm the environment.
Good job! Research has shown that electric cars are better for the environment as they emit fewer greenhouse gases and air pollutants as compared to petrol or diesel cars.
Uh-oh! Fuel engines produce pollutants that harm the environment and contribute to rising global temperatures. Try limiting your car usage by exploring alternatives, such as sharing rides with family, co-workers or friends, or choosing to commute through public buses / metro, or even riding a bike / electric scooter!
Amazing! People who don't eat red meat and reduce their consumption will have a lower risk of heart disease and increased overall health benefits
Good going! Excessive red meat consumption results in increased risk of heart disease, diabetes, and certain types of cancer. Plus, the production of red meat also significantly impacts the environment.
Excessive red meat consumption has been linked to an increased risk of heart disease, diabetes, and certain types of cancer. It also impacts the environment by consuming more water than other food sources. Consider reducing animal-based products a few times a week. Data shows that if a UAE resident refrained from meat two days a week, it would save the equivalent of their water consumption for an entire year.
Did you know that decreasing purchases from online or international retailers can reduce transportation emissions and lower the carbon footprint of the clothing industry?
Amazing! Local, sustainable fashion can drive UAE's economic growth and diversification by creating jobs, boosting exports, and enhancing the country's brand.
Great! By using second-hand clothing from affordable brands as an alternative to buying new clothes, you will reduce fast fashion's environmental impact and support sustainable fashion practices.
Good going! Tailoring your clothes and considering eco-friendly textiles can have significant long-term financial benefits.
The UAE public goes through 11 billion plastic bags yearly — more than a thousand for every resident and three times the global average.
That’s good, but did you know that each year more than one million seabirds and 100,000 animals including whales, dolphins and turtles are killed because of plastic bags?
Thank you for helping protect the ecosystem!
A grocery delivery service can cut carbon emissions by half, but the packaging still generates waste.
Congratulations, that's a great habit! By turning off the faucet while brushing, you're helping to save unused water and reduce water waste.
Remember to turn off the faucet next time you brush your teeth. Conserving water is a crucial habit we should all try to adopt.
Did you know that turning off the water while brushing your teeth or shaving can save more than 5 gallons (19 litres) of water daily?
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