Upcycling Merchandise
Upcycling Merchandise
Upcycling Merchandise Upcycling Merchandise Upcycling Merchandise
Year:  2023
Category:  Production
Location:  UAE

About the production process

In collaboration with A FRND of Mine, the Year of Sustainability team launches its official merchandise created through upcycling the pre-existing UAE Year of the 50th range of products. The upcycled merchandise serves as inspiration for production for local businesses to utilise existing surplus materials to reinvent, upcycle, and repurpose. Emphasising the values of local sustainable production and manufacturing, the official Year of Sustainability merchandise includes multi-functional wearables and accessories, such as jumpers, tote bags, jackets, and vests

Key Results

T-Shirt: The Sustainabili-Tee
B&W shirt  2 1.png
Upcycled - Sweatpants
sweatpant two halfs 1 1.png
Upcycled - Tote Bags
Blue Tote 1 1.png
Upcycled - Multifunctional Pants
Black Panshorts 2 1 (1).png
Upcycled - Multifunctional Vest
Fish Vest 1 1 (1).png
Upcycled - The YOS Hoodie
Black Hoodie 1 1 (1).png

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